Filing Form 10F – Everything You Need to Know

Learn all the ins and outs of filing Form 10F, from preparing your documents to submitting them. Get expert advice on this subject today!


Filing Form 10F is an essential document for those filing their taxes in India. From gathering the necessary paperwork to submitting it, this article will provide you with the information you need to successfully file Form 10F. Expert advice on the subject will also be given, so you can feel confident that your taxes are done right.

What is Form 10F?

Form 10F is a tax form used by individuals who are citizens or residents of India to claim relief under the Income-tax Act of India for taxes paid in a foreign country on income that is also taxable in India. It is filed along with the individual’s income tax return. The form is used to claim relief under the provisions of the Double Taxation Avoidance Agreement (DTAA) between India and the foreign country where the taxes were paid. The form is used to claim relief from double taxation of the same income in both countries.

Why is it important to filing Form 10F?

Form 10F is important because it allows individuals who are citizens or residents of India to claim relief from double taxation of the same income in both India and a foreign country. Without filing this form, an individual may end up paying taxes on the same income in both countries, which can result in a significant financial burden. By filing Form 10F, the individual can claim relief under the provisions of the Double Taxation Avoidance Agreement (DTAA) between India and the foreign country where the taxes were paid, which can significantly reduce their overall tax liability. Additionally, it is mandatory to file form 10F as per the provision of Indian income tax act.

Information that must be included in Form 10F?

Form 10F requires the following information to be included:

  1. Personal details: The individual’s name, PAN (Permanent Account Number), and address.
  2. Details of foreign income: The individual must provide information about their foreign income, including the source of the income, the amount of income, and the taxes paid on that income in the foreign country.
  3. Details of relief claimed: The individual must provide information about the relief they are claiming under the DTAA, including the relevant article of the agreement and the amount of relief claimed.
  4. Financial details: The individual must provide information about their financial assets and liabilities, including bank accounts, investments, and property.
  5. Other information: The individual may need to provide additional information, depending on their specific circumstances.

It is important to provide accurate and complete information in Form 10F, as failure to do so may result in the form being rejected or the individual facing penalties.

Filing Form 10F

How to file Form 10F?

Form 10F is filed along with the individual’s income tax return. The process for filing Form 10F is as follows:

  1. Gather all the required information and documents, including the individual’s PAN, foreign income details, and information about taxes paid in the foreign country.
  2. Download Form 10F from the income tax department’s website or obtain it from a tax professional.
  3. Fill out the form accurately and completely, providing all the required information.
  4. File the form along with the individual’s income tax return.
  5. Submit the form and the required documents to the income tax department either by physically submitting it to the department or by e-filing it online.

It is important to note that the deadline for filing Form 10F is the same as the deadline for filing the individual’s income tax return. Failure to file Form 10F by the deadline may result in penalties.

It is always advisable to take help from a Tax professional for accurate and timely filing of Form 10F.


In conclusion, Form 10F is a tax form used by individuals who are citizens or residents of India to claim relief under the Income-tax Act of India for taxes paid in a foreign country on income that is also taxable in India. It is important to file this form as it allows individuals to claim relief from double taxation of the same income in both India and a foreign country and it is mandatory as per Indian income tax act. Form 10F must be filled with accurate and complete information, failure to do so may result in the form being rejected or the individual facing penalties. The form is to be filed along with the individual’s income tax return, either by physically submitting it to the department or by e-filing it online and it is advisable to take help from a Tax professional for accurate and timely filing of Form 10F.


Here are some frequently asked questions about Form 10F:

  1. Who is eligible to file Form 10F? Individuals who are citizens or residents of India and have paid taxes in a foreign country on income that is also taxable in India are eligible to file Form 10F.
  2. What is the deadline for filing Form 10F? The deadline for filing Form 10F is the same as the deadline for filing the individual’s income tax return.
  3. Can Form 10F be filed after the deadline? It is not advisable to file form after the deadline as it may result in penalties.
  4. What happens if I don’t file Form 10F? If you don’t file Form 10F and you are eligible to do so, you may end up paying taxes on the same income in both India and the foreign country, which can result in a significant financial burden.
  5. How can I get help with filing Form 10F? It is always advisable to take help from a tax professional to ensure that your Form 10F is filled out correctly and submitted on time.
  6. Is it mandatory to file form 10F? Yes, it is mandatory to file form 10F as per the provision of Indian income tax act.
  7. Can I claim relief under DTAA without filing form 10F? No, without filing form 10F, individual cannot claim relief under DTAA.
  8. How can I get Form 10F? Form 10F can be downloaded from the income tax department’s website or obtained from a tax professional.

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Brijesh Vishwakarma
Brijesh Vishwakarma

Tax and GST Practitioner.

Articles: 80