What Information Is In A ROC Search Report

Interested in learning more about the attributes of a specific company? A reliable ROC search report is the key - find out what it contains and how it works!

A ROC search report is an important tool for analyzing the company information of a business. It outlines details such as the registration date, significant changes in the company, type of business, etc. and provides a reliable way to assess whether the company is viable or not.


A ROC (Registrar of Companies) search report is a document that provides information about a company registered in India. It includes details such as the company’s name, registration number, incorporation date, registered office address, authorized capital, and the names of the directors and shareholders. The report can be obtained from the Ministry of Corporate Affairs’ website or through a professional service provider. It is typically used for due diligence purposes when conducting business with a company in India, as well as for credit risk analysis, merger and acquisitions, legal and compliance, and other business research needs.

What is a ROC Search Report?

A ROC search report is a document issued by the Registrar of Companies (ROC) which provides important information about a specific company. It contains details such as the date of registration, directorship of members, authorized capital, type of business and reasons for deregistration. This report enables companies to take an informed decision before making any transaction with another company. A reliable ROC search report can be obtained from registered ROC authorities.

Contents of ROC search report

A ROC (Registrar of Companies) search report typically contains the following information:

  1. Company Name: The official name of the company as registered with the ROC.
  2. Corporate Identification Number (CIN): A unique 21-digit number assigned to the company by the ROC.
  3. Date of Incorporation: The date on which the company was officially registered with the ROC.
  4. Registered Office Address: The official address of the company’s registered office as mentioned in the company’s incorporation documents.
  5. Authorized Capital: The total amount of capital that the company is authorized to raise, as mentioned in the company’s incorporation documents.
  6. Paid-up Capital: The total amount of capital that has been paid up by the shareholders of the company.
  7. List of Directors: The names and addresses of the current directors of the company.
  8. List of Shareholders: The names and addresses of the current shareholders of the company.
  9. Status of the Company: whether the company is active, under liquidation or struck off.
  10. Charges filed on the company: The details of the security interest created in the assets of the company.
  11. Financial Statements: The company’s balance sheet and profit and loss statement for the past few years.
  12. Annual Filings: The company’s annual filings with the ROC, such as the annual return and the annual financial statements.
  13. Compliance status: Whether the company has filed its annual returns and financial statements with ROC on time or not.

This information is subject to change based on the laws and regulations in India. please consult professional service providers for the most recent information.

ROC Search Report

What is the process of preparing an ROC search report?

The process of preparing an ROC (Registrar of Companies) search report typically involves the following steps:

  1. Gather Information: The first step is to gather the necessary information about the company, such as its name, registration number, and incorporation date.
  2. Search the ROC Database: The information is then used to search the ROC database for the company’s records. The database can be accessed through the Ministry of Corporate Affairs’ website or through a professional service provider.
  3. Collect and Review the Data: The data is collected from the ROC database and reviewed for accuracy and completeness.
  4. Prepare the Report: The collected data is then used to prepare the ROC search report, which includes all the relevant information about the company.
  5. Review and Approve: The report is reviewed and approved by relevant authorities or professional service providers to ensure the accuracy and completeness of the information.
  6. Deliver the report: The report is delivered to the client in the requested format(s) (electronically or physical copy).

It’s important to note that the process of obtaining ROC search report may vary based on the laws and regulations in India. It’s recommended to consult professional service providers for the most recent information.

Uses of an ROC search report

An ROC (Registrar of Companies) search report can be used for various purposes, such as:

  1. Due Diligence: When conducting business with a company in India, it is important to understand the company’s background and financial status. An ROC search report can provide this information and help ensure that the company is financially stable and compliant with Indian laws and regulations.
  2. Credit Risk Analysis: Banks and financial institutions often use ROC search reports to assess the creditworthiness of a company before providing a loan or line of credit.
  3. Merger and Acquisitions: Companies looking to merge with or acquire another company may use an ROC search report to gain a better understanding of the target company’s financial and legal status.
  4. Legal and Compliance: ROC search report can help lawyers and compliance officers to understand a company’s legal status and ensure that it is compliant with Indian laws and regulations.
  5. Business Research: ROC search report can provide valuable information for market research and competitive analysis.
  6. Investment decision: Investors can use ROC search report to make informed decision about investing in a company.
  7. Employee background check: Companies can use ROC search report to verify the information provided by a candidate during the recruitment process.

It’s important to note that the laws and regulations of India are subject to change, and some of the uses of ROC search report may change over time, please consult professional service providers for the most recent information.

Final thoughts

In conclusion, an ROC (Registrar of Companies) search report is a document that provides important information about a company registered in India. It can be used for various purposes such as due diligence, credit risk analysis, merger and acquisitions, legal and compliance, business research and investment decisions. The process of preparing an ROC search report typically involves searching the ROC database, collecting and reviewing data, and preparing the report. It’s important to note that the laws and regulations of India are subject to change, and the uses of ROC search report may change over time. It’s recommended to consult professional service providers for the most recent information.

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Brijesh Vishwakarma
Brijesh Vishwakarma

Tax and GST Practitioner.

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